Friday, July 22, 2011

Weedeater - Jason... the Dragon - 2011

Best case scenario: you're already au courant with Weedeater, you love this album just as much as the three before it, and I'm up late - or early, depending on how you look at it - for nothing. To start, I'm not the biggest fan of the vocals - those sort of growly, screamy metal voices. That being said, I enjoy the interesting, sometimes syncopated yet sometimes steady drums. The bass is overdriven and nasty and great - what more can I say, it drives the music in my opinion. The guitars are also, usually, heavily overdriven and always dronish. Bottom Line: This album is drone, sludge, stoner, etc and if you like music, you will most likely and hopefully enjoy it. Listen and, if you dislike it, you never have to hear it again.

Oh and PS, the vocalist blasted one of his big toes off while working on this album. He suffered to bring you this album? You are damn right.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Wooden Shjips - West - 2011

I stumbled across this little gem yesterday. With trippy guitar effects, punchy bass lines and Doors-esque vocals, this band manages to make me move. Formed in San Francisco in 2006 and signed to Holy Mountain records (the same Holy Mountain that produces Six Organs of Admittance, Om, etc), Woodent shjips have released five albums with West being the latest. Check it out


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Novadriver - Deeper High - 2005

As a bit of background, I work as a bartender/bouncer at night during the the week in addition to having a bit of a green thumb. I also listen to some crazy heavy music from time to time. Recently I have been selflessly growing six Jalepeno plants whom I have dubbed "the Boys".

Now, I just got back from work and noticed that one of the 7 or so peppers hasn't been getting larger while all of its peers have. This troubled me, so naturally I checked the pepper's connection to the larger stem; at that point the pepper plopped off into my hand. Panicked and somewhat drunk, I took a bite of the pepper. Teary eyed and hiccuping, I withdrew to the kitchen and devoured the first collecton of lipids I could find: Yogurt. Upon recovery, I remembered that I had planned to write an entry about Novadriver's 2005 album "Deeper High"...

If you like a good amount of psychedelic effects - ie. flange, phase, wah, etc - you will love this album. Its wild and unpredictable with wah-laden screaming guitar solos and extended noise/indie-rock breaks.
